廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Bll Viso Jalapa Robusto Gordo Summary The Cavalier Geneve Bll Viso Jalapa Robusto Gordo is a premium cigar that exemplifies the artistry and craftsmanship of Cavalier Geneve. Known for its distinctive gold diamond on the wrapper, this cigar offers a luxurious smoking...
- HK$2,596.00
HK$3,182.00- HK$2,596.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Black Serie II Toro Gordo Summary The Cavalier Geneve Black Serie II Toro Gordo is a premium cigar that exemplifies luxury and craftsmanship. Known for its distinctive gold diamond on the wrapper, this cigar offers a unique smoking experience that combines rich...
- HK$3,526.00
HK$4,322.00- HK$3,526.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Black Serie II Toro Summary The Cavalier Geneve Black Serie II Toro is a premium cigar that exemplifies the artistry and dedication of Cavalier Geneve. Known for its distinctive gold diamond on the wrapper, this cigar offers a luxurious smoking experience that...
- HK$2,965.00
HK$3,634.00- HK$2,965.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Black Serie II Robusto Gordo Summary The Cavalier Geneve Black Serie II Robusto Gordo is a premium cigar that exemplifies luxury and craftsmanship. Known for its distinctive diamond-shaped gold leaf on the wrapper, this cigar offers a unique smoking experience that combines...
- HK$2,577.00
HK$3,159.00- HK$2,577.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Genève Black Series II Salomones 是 Cavalier Genève 品牌的一款高級雪茄,以其精湛的工藝和優質的煙葉而聞名。 這款雪茄屬於 Cavalier Genève Black Series II 系列,是品牌的旗艦系列之一。它採用精心挑選的煙葉,包括多種來自多個產地的上等煙葉,經過精心混合和發酵,以確保其獨特的風味和質感。 Cavalier Genève Black Series II Salomones 的外觀令人驚豔,其獨特的 Salomones 形狀為雪茄帶來了優雅和獨特的外觀。它的捲製工藝非常精湛,每根雪茄都由熟練的雪茄師傅手工製作,確保其外觀和結構的完美。 這款雪茄帶來豐富且複雜的風味。您會品味到濃郁的可可、咖啡和木質的滋味,伴隨著一絲絲辛香料和烤煙的香氣。它的口感豐滿且平衡,為您帶來一種優雅且令人愉悅的吸食體驗。 Cavalier Genève Black Series II Salomones 是一款受到雪茄愛好者追捧的精品雪茄。它結合了精湛的工藝和獨特的風味,為您帶來一個難以忘懷的吸食體驗。不論是作為珍藏品還是特殊場合的享用,它都能為您帶來一場獨特而奢華的雪茄體驗。
- HK$1,807.00
HK$2,215.00- HK$1,807.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve White Series Salamones 是 Cavalier Geneve 生產的優質雪茄,Cavalier Geneve 是一家以生產具有現代風格的高品質雪茄而聞名的公司。 Salamones 尺寸長 7 1/4 英寸,環規為 57。 這款雪茄是在多米尼加共和國手工製作的,其配方由厄瓜多爾康涅狄格茄衣、多米尼加共和國茄套以及尼加拉瓜和多米尼加共和國茄芯組成。包裝紙呈淺棕色,手感光滑。這款雪茄配有簡單而優雅的白色和銀色帶子。 點燃雪茄後,最初的味道是奶油味的,帶有雪鬆的味道和一絲甜味。隨著雪茄的發展,堅果、香草和清淡香料的味道出現,提供了一種平衡而微妙的吸煙體驗。與較小尺寸的 Salamones 相比,Salamones 尺寸可提供更長的吸煙體驗,其獨特的形狀可在整個煙霧中提供不同程度的強度和風味。這款雪茄的結構非常好,燃燒均勻,吸力好,煙灰結實,吸力好。 總的來說,Cavalier Geneve White Series Salamones 是一款溫和到中等酒體的雪茄,非常適合那些喜歡口感順滑、奶油味並帶有一絲複雜感的人。 Salamones 尺寸提供獨特的吸煙體驗,具有不同的強度和風味。這款雪茄的優雅設計與其名稱相得益彰,是特殊場合或享受片刻放鬆的完美選擇。
- HK$1,807.00
HK$2,215.00- HK$1,807.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Black Series II Torpedo 是一款優質雪茄,由 Cavalier Geneve 生產,該公司以生產具有現代風格的高品質雪茄而聞名。 Torpedo 尺寸長 6 1/8 英寸,環規為 52。 這款雪茄是在多米尼加共和國手工製作的,其配方由深色厄瓜多爾茄衣、多米尼加共和國的茄套以及尼加拉瓜和多米尼加共和國的茄芯組成。外皮呈深棕色,手感光滑。這款雪茄配有經典的辮子帽和錐形頭。 點燃雪茄後,最初的味道是混合了黑胡椒、雪松和帶有淡淡甜味的泥土氣息。隨著雪茄的升溫,濃縮咖啡、黑巧克力和皮革的香氣逐漸浮現,提供了豐富而復雜的吸煙體驗。魚雷形狀允許隨著吸煙者在雪茄中前進,雪茄的強度和味道逐漸變化。這款雪茄的結構非常好,燃燒均勻,吸力好,煙灰結實,吸力好。 總的來說,Cavalier Geneve Black Series II Torpedo 是一款均衡而美味的雪茄,非常適合喜歡濃郁煙熏和復雜風味的人。魚雷形狀帶來獨特的吸食體驗,隨著吸食者吸食雪茄而逐漸改變。這款雪茄採用現代設計,黑色和銀色帶子以及獨特的煙草配方使其在擁擠的雪茄市場中脫穎而出。
- HK$2,825.00
HK$3,463.00- HK$2,825.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Black Series II Robusto 是一款優質雪茄,由 Cavalier Geneve 生產,該公司以生產具有現代風格的高品質雪茄而聞名。 Robusto 尺碼長 5 英寸,環規為 50。 這款雪茄是在多米尼加共和國手工製作的,其配方由深色厄瓜多爾茄衣、多米尼加共和國的茄套以及尼加拉瓜和多米尼加共和國的茄芯組成。外皮呈深棕色,手感光滑。這款雪茄配有經典的辮子帽。 點燃雪茄後,最初的味道是混合了黑胡椒、雪松和帶有淡淡甜味的泥土氣息。隨著雪茄的升溫,濃縮咖啡、黑巧克力和皮革的香氣逐漸浮現,提供了豐富而復雜的吸煙體驗。這款雪茄的結構非常好,燃燒均勻,吸力好,煙灰結實,吸力好。 總的來說,Cavalier Geneve Black Series II Robusto 是一款均衡而美味的雪茄,非常適合喜歡濃郁煙熏和復雜風味的人。與大尺寸相比,Robusto 尺寸允許更短的吸煙體驗,但口味仍然成熟且令人滿意。這款雪茄採用現代設計,黑色和銀色帶子以及獨特的煙草配方使其在擁擠的雪茄市場中脫穎而出。
- HK$2,301.00
HK$2,821.00- HK$2,301.00
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廠商: CaldwellCaldwell Supreme Cream Corona Summary The Caldwell Supreme Cream Corona is a premium cigar that exemplifies the artistry and dedication of Caldwell Cigars. Known for its impeccable construction and rich flavor profile, this cigar is a must-try for aficionados seeking a luxurious smoking experience....
- HK$1,354.00
HK$1,660.00- HK$1,354.00
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廠商: CaldwellCaldwell Savages Toro Summary The Caldwell Savages Toro is a premium cigar that exemplifies the artistry and innovation of Caldwell Cigars. Known for its complex flavor profile and impeccable construction, this cigar is a must-try for aficionados seeking a unique smoking experience. The Savages...
- HK$1,860.00
HK$2,280.00- HK$1,860.00
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廠商: CaldwellCaldwell Savages Super Rothschild Summary The Caldwell Savages Super Rothschild is a premium cigar that exemplifies the artistry and innovation of Caldwell Cigars. Known for its complex flavor profile and impeccable construction, this cigar is a must-try for aficionados seeking a unique smoking experience....
- HK$1,408.00
HK$1,727.00- HK$1,408.00
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廠商: CaldwellCaldwell Savages Corona Extra Summary The Caldwell Savages Corona Extra is a premium cigar that exemplifies the artistry and innovation of Caldwell Cigars. Known for its complex flavor profile and impeccable construction, this cigar is a must-try for aficionados seeking a unique smoking experience....
- HK$1,393.00
HK$1,708.00- HK$1,393.00
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廠商: CaldwellCaldwell Midnight Express Toro Summary The Caldwell Midnight Express Toro is a premium cigar that offers a luxurious smoking experience for aficionados who appreciate complexity and depth. Crafted by the renowned Caldwell Cigar Company, this cigar is part of the Eastern Standard line and...
- HK$3,253.00
HK$3,988.00- HK$3,253.00
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廠商: CaldwellCaldwell Midnight Express Piramide Summary The Caldwell Midnight Express Piramide is a premium cigar that offers a luxurious smoking experience for aficionados who appreciate complexity and depth. This exquisite cigar is part of Caldwell's renowned collection, known for its meticulous craftsmanship and exceptional quality....
- HK$2,803.00
HK$3,437.00- HK$2,803.00
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廠商: CaldwellCaldwell Midnight Express Corona Gorda Summary The Caldwell Midnight Express Corona Gorda is a premium cigar that exemplifies the artistry and dedication of Caldwell Cigars. Known for its rich, complex flavors and impeccable construction, this cigar is a must-try for aficionados seeking a luxurious...
- HK$2,338.00
HK$2,867.00- HK$2,338.00
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廠商: CaldwellCaldwell Lost and Found Pepper Cream Soda Toro Summary The Caldwell Lost and Found Pepper Cream Soda Toro is a unique and limited-edition cigar that offers a delightful smoking experience. This cigar is part of the Lost and Found series by Caldwell, which focuses...
- HK$1,622.00
HK$1,989.00- HK$1,622.00
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廠商: CaldwellCaldwell Lost and Found Pepper Cream Soda Corona Summary The Caldwell Lost and Found Pepper Cream Soda Corona is a unique and intriguing cigar that promises a delightful smoking experience. This limited-edition release from Caldwell Cigar Co. is part of their Lost and Found...
- HK$1,191.00
HK$1,461.00- HK$1,191.00
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廠商: CaldwellCaldwell Lost and Found Pepper Cream Soda 10th Anniversary Robusto Summary The Caldwell Lost and Found Pepper Cream Soda 10th Anniversary Robusto is a limited-edition cigar that celebrates a decade of excellence in the cigar industry. This unique blend is a testament to Caldwell's...
- HK$1,503.00
HK$1,843.00- HK$1,503.00
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廠商: CaldwellCaldwell Lost and Found One Night Stand Toro Summary The Caldwell Lost and Found One Night Stand Toro is a unique and limited-edition cigar that promises an unforgettable smoking experience. Crafted by the renowned Caldwell Cigar Company, this Toro-sized cigar is part of the...
- HK$1,579.00
HK$1,936.00- HK$1,579.00
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廠商: CaldwellCaldwell Lost and Found One Night Stand Robusto Summary The Caldwell Lost and Found One Night Stand Robusto is a unique and limited-edition cigar that promises an unforgettable smoking experience. Crafted by the renowned Caldwell Cigar Company, this cigar is part of the exclusive...
- HK$1,323.00
HK$1,622.00- HK$1,323.00
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