廠商: E.P. Carrillo透過E.P. Carrillo Triumph雪茄套裝,展開一場風味和工藝的勝利之旅。這款特殊的套裝包含三支獨特的雪茄 - Prequel、Majestic和E-III,每支雪茄都代表了E.P. Carrillo品牌的雪茄藝術巔峰。 E.P. Carrillo Triumph雪茄套裝證明了品牌對生產卓越品質雪茄的承諾。每支雪茄都經過精心照料,使用最優質的煙草製作而成,該套裝中的每支雪茄都是Carrillo家族在頂級雪茄世界中的傳承的慶祝。 Prequel、Majestic和E-III雪茄各自帶來了其獨特的特性和風味概要。Prequel提供中等體驗與精緻的風味,Majestic呈現出風味的和諧平衡,而E-III則帶來了更豐滿和豐富的抽菸體驗。 這些雪茄都是以個別名字精心策劃的,是E.P. Carrillo致力於為雪茄愛好者提供多樣性體驗的明證。每款雪茄大小都經過精心設計,確保均勻的燃燒和最佳的抽菸體驗,讓您能夠充分品味混合風味的細微差異。 每支雪茄點燃時,E.P. Carrillo Triumph雪茄套裝揭示出風味的交響曲。您可能會品味到雪松、香料、泥土氣息和微妙的甜味,展示了定義Carrillo品牌的複雜性和深度。 無論您是經驗豐富的愛好者尋求多樣性,還是收藏卓越雪茄的收藏家,E.P. Carrillo Triumph雪茄套裝都承諾帶給您一場風味和工藝的勝利之旅,體現了頂級雪茄的精髓。
- HK$509.00
HK$625.00- HK$509.00
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廠商: DavidoffDavidoff Primeros by Davidoff Nicaragua Summary The Davidoff Primeros by Davidoff Nicaragua is a premium cigar that offers a luxurious smoking experience in a compact format. Crafted with the finest Nicaraguan tobaccos, this cigar delivers a rich and complex flavor profile that is perfect...
- HK$420.00
- HK$420.00
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廠商: DavidoffDavidoff Demi Tasse Summary The Davidoff Demi Tasse is a premium cigar that epitomizes luxury and sophistication. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this small yet flavorful cigar offers a rich and satisfying smoking experience. Ideal for those who appreciate the finer things in...
- HK$358.00
- HK$358.00
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廠商: Joya沉浸於傳統的永恆風味,享受Joya de Nicaragua Antaño 1970 Assortment帶來的獨特滋味,這個系列向尼加拉瓜雪茄工藝的豐富傳統致敬。這款特殊的選集包括一系列頂級雪茄,慶祝了標誌性的Antaño 1970系列,承諾帶來濃郁而正統的抽菸體驗。 Joya de Nicaragua Antaño 1970 Assortment展示了一系列精心製作的雪茄,每款雪茄展現了與Antaño 1970系列同名的大膽風味特點。這些雪茄採用經過精心陳年的尼加拉瓜填充物和裹葉,手工捲製,呈現出豐滿而令人滿足的抽菸體驗。 選集中包含不同尺寸和形狀的雪茄,從robusto到toro不等,抽菸者可以在不同的格式中探索Antaño 1970混合口味的細微差異。點燃後,這些雪茄以強烈而濃烈的個性迷住您的味蕾,展現濃郁的咖啡、黑巧克力、香料和微妙的泥土氣息。 Joya de Nicaragua Antaño 1970 Assortment為愛好者提供了穿越尼加拉瓜煙草傳承的引人入勝之旅,邀請他們品味Antaño 1970系列所獨特的濃郁風味,這使該系列在頂級雪茄的世界中成為一個重要存在。選集中的每款雪茄都是品牌對質量和傳統的承諾的體現。 無論您是老練的行家還是初涉雪茄世界的新手,Joya de Nicaragua Antaño 1970 Assortment都是一個非凡的選集,為您帶來真實和難忘的抽菸體驗。
- HK$520.00
HK$638.00- HK$520.00
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廠商: PartagasPartagasPartagás is a celebrated cigar brand that traces its origins back to Havana, Cuba, in the mid-19th century. Founded in 1845 by Jaime Partagás, a Spanish immigrant, the brand quickly gained recognition for its commitment to producing high-quality cigars that embodied the essence of...
- HK$3,925.00
- HK$3,925.00
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廠商: My FatherMy Father Selection 5 Toros The My Father Selection 5 Toros is a highly sought-after cigar that showcases the exceptional craftsmanship and expertise of the renowned My Father Cigars brand. This box contains 5 meticulously handcrafted cigars, each delivering a truly memorable smoking experience.The...
- HK$816.00
HK$1,001.00- HK$816.00
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廠商: Bond RobertsBond Roberts Cigars Petit 109 Linea D No.06 Summary The Bond Roberts Cigars Petit 109 Linea D No.06 is a premium cigar that showcases the craftsmanship and dedication of the Bond Roberts brand. This exceptional cigar is part of the Petit 109 line, known...
- HK$3,950.00
HK$4,843.00- HK$3,950.00
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廠商: Joya透過Joya de Nicaragua Seleccion Antano Sampler,體驗各種大膽而濃烈的風味。這款特殊的樣品套裝讓您探索享有備受推崇的Seleccion Antano系列的多種風味,慶祝品牌對提供難忘抽菸體驗的奉獻。 Joya de Nicaragua Seleccion Antano Sampler包括了Seleccion Antano系列中經過精心挑選的雪茄,每支都經過精心手工製作,以展現品牌對品質的承諾。這些雪茄採用優質尼加拉瓜煙草的混合,結合在一起,創造出既強烈又令人滿足的風味特性。 透過這個樣品套裝,您可以沈醉於各種風味的交響曲中,從豐富的大地氣息到微妙的香料和可可味。每支雪茄都提供獨特的體驗,展示了Seleccion Antano系列中多樣風味的不同層次。 無論您是想要了解Seleccion Antano系列,還是想要探索不同尺寸的細微差異,Joya de Nicaragua Seleccion Antano Sampler都承諾帶您進入風味和工藝的領域,這些都贏得了Joya de Nicaragua備受尊崇的聲譽。
- HK$826.00
HK$972.00- HK$826.00
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廠商: AJ FernandezAJ Fernandez AJF Sampler Toro Summary The AJ Fernandez AJF Sampler Toro is a premium collection of some of the finest cigars crafted by the renowned AJ Fernandez. This sampler pack is perfect for both seasoned aficionados and newcomers looking to explore the rich,...
- HK$630.00
HK$773.00- HK$630.00
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廠商: Joya探索Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Numero 6的永恆優雅。這款特殊雪茄邀請您沉醉於經典且精緻的抽菸體驗,體現品牌的傳統和對工藝的承諾。 Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Numero 6展現了品牌對永恆品質的承諾。這款雪茄經過精心製作,呈現了精心調配的尼加拉瓜煙草組合,這些煙草經過精心挑選,以創造和諧且令人滿足的風味特性。 Numero 6尺寸約為6 x 41,完美體現了雪茄藝術的精髓。這款雪茄包裹在光滑且引人入勝的康涅狄格淡色包裹紙中,為抽菸體驗增添了一絲奶油質感,提升了整體滿足感。 點燃後,Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Numero 6展現出其引人入勝的風味之旅,呈現出可能包括雪松、微妙的香料、堅果暗示和輕柔的甜味的風味。雪茄的結構確保了順暢的抽風和均勻的燃燒,從開始到結束提供了愉悅的抽菸體驗。 Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Numero 6是品牌致力於製作卓越雪茄的明證,既尊重他們的傳統,又擁抱未來。無論您是經驗豐富的愛好者還是新手,這款傑作都承諾帶來一次抽菸體驗,反映了品牌對品質和傳統的承諾。
- HK$795.00
HK$974.00- HK$795.00
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廠商: Toscano沉浸於Toscano Classico雪茄的永恆優雅和豐富風味中。這款特殊的雪茄邀請您體驗Toscano在雪茄世界中備受珍愛的名字所帶來的傳統和工藝的味道。 Toscano Classico是品牌對生產卓越品質雪茄的承諾的體現。每支雪茄都是由精心挑選的意大利和美國肯塔基煙草精心手工捲制而成。這獨特的混合創造了一種既質樸又引人入勝的風味特性,捕捉了傳統工藝的精髓。 Toscano Classico的中等體型確保了均衡且令人滿足的抽菸體驗。其標誌性的造型,被稱為“Toscano風格”,鼓勵緩慢而深思熟慮的燃燒,讓風味逐漸而複雜地展開。雪茄的經典外觀增添了懷舊的魅力。 點燃後,Toscano Classico展現出引人入勝的風味之旅。您可能會品味到泥土、木頭、微妙的香料和一絲煙熏味,這些都向著代代相傳的傳統和工藝致敬。 無論您是尋求與雪茄傳統的聯繫還是追尋風味的愉悅,Toscano Classico都承諾帶給您一場風味和工藝的探索,這些都鞏固了Toscano的持久聲譽。
- HK$390.00
HK$478.00- HK$390.00
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廠商: Joya透過Joya de Nicaragua Cuatro Cinco Reserva Especial Sampler,沉醉於豐富的風味繪畫。這個特殊的雪茄選集為您提供了一次品味品牌傳統和對精緻煙草調配的奉獻之旅。 Joya de Nicaragua Cuatro Cinco Reserva Especial Sampler展現了品牌對永恆品質的承諾。這個選集中的每支雪茄都經過精心製作,呈現了精心選擇的尼加拉瓜煙草混合,創造出和諧且風味豐富的特性。 這個選集讓您可以探索不同的尺寸和格式,讓您有機會以多種方式體驗風味複雜性的細微差異。這些雪茄包裹在引人入勝的厄瓜多爾哈瓦那包裹紙中,擁有光滑且引人入勝的外觀,預示著其中的奢華。 點燃後,Joya de Nicaragua Cuatro Cinco Reserva Especial Sampler中的每支雪茄都展現出其獨特的風味調性。微妙的香料、濃郁的大地氣息、可可的暗示和令人滿足的奶油尾韻可能在您的味蕾上舞動。這些雪茄的結構確保了順暢的抽風和均勻的燃燒,從開始到結束保證了一次優質的抽菸體驗。 無論您是經驗豐富的愛好者還是新手,Joya de Nicaragua Cuatro Cinco Reserva Especial Sampler都承諾全面探索品牌的傳統,以及品味品味複雜性和工藝之高峰,這些都贏得了Joya de Nicaragua備受尊崇的聲譽。
- HK$725.00
HK$889.00- HK$725.00
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廠商: Rafael GonzalezRafael GonzalezRafael González is a Cuban cigar brand that has been crafting premium cigars since the 1930s. With a legacy of nearly a century, the brand is celebrated for its commitment to producing cigars that reflect the classic Cuban cigar-making tradition and offer a...
- HK$3,040.00
- HK$3,040.00
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廠商: MontecristoMontecristoMontecristo is a legendary cigar brand with origins dating back to Cuba in the 1930s. Founded by Alonso Menendez, a Spanish immigrant, and Pepe Garcia, the brand quickly gained international recognition for producing some of the finest cigars in the world. Today, Montecristo is...
- HK$690.00
- HK$690.00
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廠商: Romeo Y JulietaRomeo Y JulietaRomeo y Julieta, named after the timeless love story of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, is a revered cigar brand with roots dating back to the 19th century in Havana, Cuba. The brand's history is deeply intertwined with the rich heritage...
- HK$1,100.00
- HK$1,100.00
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廠商: VegafinaVegafina Minutos Tin The Vegafina Minutos Tin Box 8 is a convenient and compact option for cigar enthusiasts on the go. Each tin contains 8 cigars that are meticulously crafted to deliver a satisfying smoking experience.The Minutos size is perfect for those moments when...
- HK$385.00
- HK$385.00
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廠商: Por LarranagaPor LarranagaPor Larranaga is a renowned Cuban cigar brand with origins dating back to the 19th century, making it one of the oldest brands in the Cuban cigar industry. Founded in 1834, the brand has a legacy steeped in tradition and craftsmanship.Por Larranaga cigars...
- HK$4,100.00
- HK$4,100.00
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廠商: Por LarranagaPor LarranagaPor Larranaga is a renowned Cuban cigar brand with origins dating back to the 19th century, making it one of the oldest brands in the Cuban cigar industry. Founded in 1834, the brand has a legacy steeped in tradition and craftsmanship.Por Larranaga cigars...
- HK$4,940.00
- HK$4,940.00
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廠商: Isla Del SolIsla Del Sol Maduro Gran Corona The Isla Del Sol Maduro Gran Corona is a captivating cigar that promises a rich and indulgent smoking experience. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted, showcasing the dedication and skill of the Isla Del Sol brand.The Gran Corona size...
- HK$840.00
HK$978.00- HK$840.00
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廠商: VegafinaVegafina Nicaragua Minutos The Vegafina Nicaragua Minutos is a compact and convenient cigar that packs a punch of flavor in a small package. Each cigar is carefully crafted with the utmost attention to detail, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the Vegafina brand.The Minutos...
- HK$413.00
HK$482.00- HK$413.00
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