廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V 135th Anniversary Edicion Limitada 是 Oliva Cigar Company 為慶祝其 135 週年而生產的優質手工雪茄。這是一款濃郁的雪茄,填充物、粘合劑和茄衣混合了尼加拉瓜煙草。 茄衣葉是一種深色、油膩的哈瓦那陽光植物,以其豐富的風味和辛辣的味道而聞名。尼加拉瓜填充煙草增加了雪茄風味的複雜性和深度,帶有咖啡、可可和胡椒的味道。 Oliva Serie V 135th Anniversary Edicion Limitada 是盒壓式魚雷尺寸,長 6 1/2 英寸,環規(直徑)為 54。這種尺寸在享受較長吸煙體驗的雪茄愛好者中很受歡迎具有濃郁的風味。 Oliva Serie V 135 週年 Edicion Limitada 的結構非常出色,包裝光滑、油膩,沒有瑕疵或紋理。繪製順暢、輕鬆,燃燒均勻一致,產生長長的白色灰燼。 總的來說,Oliva Serie V 135 週年 Edicion Limitada 是一款備受推崇的雪茄,它提供了豐富而復雜的吸煙體驗和豐富的風味。對於那些喜歡帶有尼加拉瓜茄衣的濃郁雪茄的人以及欣賞 Oliva...
- HK$2,512.00
- HK$2,512.00
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廠商: Sancho PanzaSancho Panza Sancho Panza is a cigar brand that traces its origins to Cuba, where it was established in the mid-19th century. The brand takes its name from the fictional character Sancho Panza, who is the loyal squire of the famous literary figure...
- HK$45,600.00
- HK$45,600.00
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廠商: Arturo FuenteArturo Fuente OpusX Perfecxion Tin 是一款由著名雪茄製造商 Arturo Fuente 精心製作的優質雪茄。它是 OpusX 雪茄系列的一部分,該系列以其卓越的品質和豐富的風味而聞名。 Perfecxion Tin 是一款中等至濃郁的雪茄,長 4.5 英寸,環規為 46。它是盒壓雪茄,外觀時尚現代。 OpusX Perfecxion Tin 的茄衣是一種稀有且備受追捧的多米尼加玫瑰葉,賦予雪茄獨特而復雜的風味。填充物混合物包括陳年多米尼加煙草,這些煙草經過精心挑选和混合,以創造一種均衡而美味的吸煙體驗。 OpusX Perfecxion Tin 提供豐富而令人滿意的吸煙體驗,帶有皮革、泥土和香料的味道。它有一種光滑的奶油煙味,餘味悠長而令人滿意。儘管 Perfecxion Tin 具有大膽的風味特徵,但它是一種順滑且容易抽出的煙,使其成為新手和經驗豐富的雪茄吸煙者的完美選擇。 Perfecxion Tin 採用美觀耐用的金屬罐包裝,便於運輸和存放。錫罐還有助於保護雪茄免受損壞,確保它們完好無損地到達目的地。 總的來說,Arturo Fuente OpusX Perfecxion Tin 是一款卓越的雪茄,提供豐富而復雜的吸煙體驗,具有卓越的結構和流暢的抽吸。對於任何尋求具有獨特風味的高品質雪茄的雪茄愛好者來說,這是必試之選。
- HK$1,638.00
- HK$1,638.00
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廠商: CohibaCohiba Siglo De Oro Year Of The Rabbit Summary The Cohiba Siglo De Oro Year Of The Rabbit is a limited edition cigar that celebrates the Chinese Zodiac's Year of the Rabbit. This exquisite cigar is a testament to Cohiba's commitment to quality and...
- HK$25,400.00
- HK$25,400.00
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廠商: Arturo FuenteArturo Fuente Don Carlos The Man's 80th Eye of the Shark Summary The Arturo Fuente Don Carlos The Man's 80th Eye of the Shark is a tribute to the legendary Carlos Fuente Sr., celebrating his 80th birthday. This limited-edition cigar is a masterpiece of...
- HK$7,778.00
- HK$7,778.00
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廠商: Arturo FuenteArturo Fuente Fuente Fuente OpusX Reserva D Chateau Tin Summary The Arturo Fuente Fuente Fuente OpusX Reserva D Chateau Tin is a premium cigar that stands as a testament to the exceptional craftsmanship and dedication of the Fuente family. Known for its rich, complex...
- HK$1,768.00
- HK$1,768.00
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廠商: Arturo FuenteArturo Fuente Fuente Fuente OpusX Perfecxion X Summary The Arturo Fuente Fuente Fuente OpusX Perfecxion X is a legendary cigar that has set the standard for premium cigars worldwide. Known for its impeccable construction, rich flavor profile, and luxurious smoking experience, this cigar is...
- HK$13,366.00
- HK$13,366.00
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廠商: Arturo FuenteArturo Fuente Fuente Fuente OpusX 20 Years God's Whisper Summary The Arturo Fuente Fuente Fuente OpusX 20 Years God's Whisper is a celebration of two decades of excellence in cigar craftsmanship. This premium cigar is a testament to the dedication and passion of the...
- HK$12,674.00
- HK$12,674.00
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廠商: Ramon AllonesRamon AllonesRamon Allones is a venerable cigar brand with a heritage that dates back to the 19th century in Havana, Cuba. Established in 1837, it is one of the oldest and most enduring names in the cigar industry, known for its classic Cuban cigar...
- HK$9,400.00
HK$11,300.00- HK$9,400.00
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廠商: CohibaCohiba Short Year Of The Tiger Summary The Cohiba Short Year Of The Tiger is a limited-edition cigar that celebrates the Chinese Zodiac's Year of the Tiger. This exquisite cigar is crafted with the finest tobacco leaves, offering a luxurious smoking experience that is...
- HK$3,550.00
- HK$3,550.00
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廠商: Arturo FuenteArturo Fuente Opus X Holiday Collection Summary The Arturo Fuente Opus X Holiday Collection is a luxurious assortment of premium cigars that epitomize the pinnacle of cigar craftsmanship. Renowned for their exceptional quality and rich, complex flavors, these cigars are a must-have for any...
- HK$5,564.00
- HK$5,564.00
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廠商: Arturo FuenteArturo Fuente OpusX Angel's Share Perfecxion X 是一款優質雪茄,屬於 Arturo Fuente 品牌的 OpusX 系列。這款雪茄長 6.25 英寸,環規為 48,被認為是雪茄世界的經典尺寸。 OpusX 系列以使用在多米尼加共和國 Fuente 家族的私人莊園種植的稀有且難以找到的煙草而聞名。 Angel's Share Perfecxion X 以術語“Angel's Share”命名,它指的是在老化過程中蒸發的烈酒部分,並且是指雪茄使用已經老化數年的煙草。 茄衣是一種淺棕色的多米尼加遮蔭生長的葉子,經過多年精心陳化,賦予其光滑絲滑的質感。填料由稀有的多米尼加煙草混合而成,這些煙草的風味和香氣均經過精心挑選。 Angel's Share Perfecxion X 是一款中等至濃郁的雪茄,具有順滑的抽吸和復雜的風味特徵。它有雪松、香料和堅果的味道,帶有來自陳年煙草的微妙甜味。雪茄的結構非常好,燃燒一致,煙灰結實。 總的來說,Arturo Fuente OpusX Angel's Share Perfecxion X 是一款優質雪茄,非常適合那些喜歡中度至濃郁煙熏且口味複雜的人。它提供獨特而令人滿意的吸煙體驗,即使是最挑剔的雪茄愛好者也一定會滿意。
- HK$14,534.00
- HK$14,534.00
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廠商: Drew EstateDrew Estate Liga Undercrown Limited Edition Flying Pig Collection Summary The Drew Estate Liga Undercrown Limited Edition Flying Pig Collection is a must-have for any cigar aficionado. This exclusive collection features the iconic Flying Pig vitola, known for its unique shape and exceptional smoking...
- HK$564.00
- HK$564.00
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廠商: PartagasPartagasPartagás is a celebrated cigar brand that traces its origins back to Havana, Cuba, in the mid-19th century. Founded in 1845 by Jaime Partagás, a Spanish immigrant, the brand quickly gained recognition for its commitment to producing high-quality cigars that embodied the essence of...
- HK$9,800.00
- HK$9,800.00
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廠商: La Gloria CubanaLa Gloria Cubana Glorias The La Gloria Cubana Glorias is a classic cigar that embodies the rich heritage and craftsmanship of the La Gloria Cubana brand. Handcrafted with meticulous attention to detail, this cigar offers a truly exceptional smoking experience.The Glorias size is a...
- HK$10,200.00
- HK$10,200.00
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廠商: JoyaJoya de Nicaragua Numero Uno Le Premier是一款備受讚譽且限量版的雪茄,代表了Joya de Nicaragua品牌工藝和口味的巔峰。這是一款廣受追捧的雪茄,展示了Joya de Nicaragua的高超調配師的專業技能和奉獻精神。 Numero Uno Le Premier以盒裝25支的形式提供,表明它可以以盒裝形式購買。這種形式受到雪茄愛好者的歡迎,他們喜歡擁有一大批雪茄供他們隨時享受或用於特殊場合。 Numero Uno Le Premier以其優雅和精緻的口味特點而聞名,提供中等酒體的煙味,注重平衡和複雜性。具體的品味可能有所不同,但與Joya de Nicaragua雪茄相關的常見風味包括雪松、堅果、咖啡、香料和淡淡的甜味。 Joya de Nicaragua Numero Uno Le Premier的結構和工藝通常具有最高品質,確保吸食順暢、燃燒均勻,從開始到結束都帶來愉悅的吸煙體驗。 總的來說,Joya de Nicaragua Numero Uno Le Premier盒裝25支雪茄是雪茄愛好者和收藏家追捧的雪茄。它推薦給那些欣賞具有卓越口味和無可挑剔工藝的限量版雪茄的人。
- HK$5,852.00
- HK$5,852.00
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廠商: Arturo Fuente使用 Arturo Fuente Fuente Fuente OpusX Pussy Cats Box 39 盡情享受雪茄工藝的巔峰。這個精緻的系列包含 39 支超優質手工製作的多米尼加 puro 雪茄,每支都經過精心製作,提供無與倫比的吸煙體驗。 來自多明尼加共和國備受尊崇的拉富恩特城堡,我們這個時代最好的雪茄的故鄉,每支 OpusX 小貓雪茄都是等待被發現的寶藏。 作為第一支多明尼加雪茄,這些雪茄的產量極少,使其成為世界上最令人垂涎的優質雪茄。 OpusX 小貓長 4.25 英寸,環規為 42,包裹在油膩的微紅色多明尼加馬杜羅茄衣中,裡麵包裹著優質多明尼加共和國煙草的混合物。 這種獨特的混合物帶來濃鬱的煙熏味,並帶有明顯的香料、紅辣椒和香草的味道,保證每次抽吸都會帶來迷人的風味之旅。 當您點燃 OpusX Pussy Cat 時,準備好被柔滑而大膽的口味交響曲所吸引,與獨特的 Fuente Fuente OpusX 茄衣煙草的甜美持久飽滿完美和諧。 完美的結構、精緻的風味以及每支雪茄製作過程中一個世紀的精湛技藝和傳統,使該系列成為奢華和卓越的真正體現。 Arturo Fuente Fuente Fuente OpusX Pussy Cats Box 39...
- HK$10,650.00
- HK$10,650.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V Melanio Toro Grande Edicion Limitada 2020 The Oliva Serie V Melanio Toro Grande Edicion Limitada 2020 is a special and limited edition cigar that showcases the expertise and dedication of Oliva Cigars. It is an extension of the highly acclaimed Oliva...
- HK$2,680.00
- HK$2,680.00
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廠商: Ramon AllonesRamon AllonesRamon Allones is a venerable cigar brand with a heritage that dates back to the 19th century in Havana, Cuba. Established in 1837, it is one of the oldest and most enduring names in the cigar industry, known for its classic Cuban cigar...
- HK$5,900.00
- HK$5,900.00
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廠商: Arturo FuenteArturo Fuente Fuente Fuente OpusX Robusto Tin Summary The Arturo Fuente Fuente Fuente OpusX Robusto Tin is a premium cigar that stands as a testament to the exceptional craftsmanship and dedication of the Fuente family. Renowned for its rich flavor profile and impeccable construction,...
- HK$1,360.00
- HK$1,360.00
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