廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve White Series Lancero 是 Cavalier Geneve 生產的優質雪茄,Cavalier Geneve 是一家以生產具有現代風格的高品質雪茄而聞名的公司。 Lancero 尺碼長 7 英寸,環規為 40。 這款雪茄是在多米尼加共和國手工製作的,其配方由厄瓜多爾康涅狄格茄衣、多米尼加共和國茄套以及尼加拉瓜和多米尼加共和國茄芯組成。包裝紙呈淺棕色,手感光滑。這款雪茄配有簡單而優雅的白色和銀色帶子。 點燃雪茄後,最初的味道是奶油味的,帶有雪鬆的味道和一絲甜味。隨著雪茄的發展,堅果、香草和清淡香料的味道出現,提供了一種平衡而微妙的吸煙體驗。 Lancero 形狀允許隨著吸煙者在雪茄中前進,雪茄的強度和味道逐漸變化。這款雪茄的結構非常好,燃燒均勻,吸力好,煙灰結實,吸力好。 總的來說,Cavalier Geneve White Series Lancero 是一款溫和到中等酒體的雪茄,非常適合那些喜歡口感順滑、奶油般的煙熏並帶有一絲複雜感的人。 Lancero 形狀帶來獨特的吸食體驗,隨著吸食者吸食雪茄而逐漸改變。這款雪茄的優雅設計與其名稱相得益彰,是特殊場合或享受片刻放鬆的完美選擇。
- HK$2,011.00
HK$2,466.00- HK$2,011.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Black Series II Lancero 是一款優質雪茄,由 Cavalier Geneve 生產,該公司以生產具有現代風格的高品質雪茄而聞名。 Lancero 尺碼長 7 1/2 英寸,環規為 40。 這款雪茄是在多米尼加共和國手工製作的,其配方由深色厄瓜多爾茄衣、多米尼加共和國的茄套以及尼加拉瓜和多米尼加共和國的茄芯組成。外皮呈深棕色,手感光滑。這款雪茄配有經典的辮子帽。 點燃雪茄後,最初的味道是混合了黑胡椒、雪松和帶有淡淡甜味的泥土氣息。隨著雪茄的升溫,濃縮咖啡、黑巧克力和皮革的香氣逐漸浮現,提供了豐富而復雜的吸煙體驗。這款雪茄的結構非常好,燃燒均勻,吸力好,煙灰結實,吸力好。 總的來說,Cavalier Geneve Black Series II Lancero 是一款均衡而美味的雪茄,非常適合喜歡濃郁煙熏和復雜風味的人。與傳統尺寸相比,Lancero 尺寸可提供更長的吸煙體驗,讓味道在整個煙霧中發展和變化。這款雪茄採用現代設計,黑色和銀色帶子以及獨特的煙草配方使其在擁擠的雪茄市場中脫穎而出。
- HK$1,993.00
HK$2,443.00- HK$1,993.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve White Series Elegantes 是一款優質雪茄,由 Cavalier Geneve 生產,該公司以生產具有現代風格的高品質雪茄而聞名。 Elegantes 尺碼長 6 英寸,環規為 54。 這款雪茄是在多米尼加共和國手工製作的,其配方由厄瓜多爾康涅狄格茄衣、多米尼加共和國茄套以及尼加拉瓜和多米尼加共和國茄芯組成。包裝紙呈淺棕色,手感光滑。這款雪茄配有簡單而優雅的白色和銀色帶子。 點燃雪茄後,最初的味道是奶油味的,帶有雪鬆的味道和一絲甜味。隨著雪茄的發展,堅果、香草和清淡香料的味道出現,提供了一種平衡而微妙的吸煙體驗。這款雪茄的結構非常好,燃燒均勻,吸力好,煙灰結實,吸力好。 總的來說,Cavalier Geneve White Series Elegantes 是一款溫和到中等酒體的雪茄,非常適合那些喜歡口感順滑、奶油味並帶有一絲複雜感的人。與較小的尺寸相比,Elegantes 尺寸允許更長的吸煙體驗,但口味仍然很發達且令人滿意。這款雪茄的優雅設計與其名稱相得益彰,是特殊場合或享受片刻放鬆的完美選擇。
- HK$2,244.00
HK$2,751.00- HK$2,244.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Genève Limited Edition 2022 是一款具有視覺吸引力的雪茄,採用肉桂棕色茄衣和製作精良的軟盒壓榨機。然而,茄衣是乾的,摸起來像羊皮紙,三支雪茄都明顯鬆軟。一支雪茄情有獨鍾。包裝紙的香氣包括雪松、泥土、皮革、黑巧克力、咖啡豆和淡淡的甜味。切割後,冷拉帶來肉桂、雪松、皮革、泥土、堅果、乾草和蘋果的甜味。 點燃後,雪茄會散發出淡淡的香料味和一種普通的植物味,很快就會被雪松和肉桂的組合所取代。其他口味包括甜乾草、可可粒、皮革、茴香、花生和烤麵包。 retrohale 有黑胡椒和蜂蜜的甜味。雪茄的味道中等偏硬,酒體偏溫和,強度略低於中等。結構很好,有足夠厚的灰色煙霧和出色的繪圖,但燃燒非常不穩定,需要更正。 在第二個三分之一中,香料消失了,奶油雪松和肉桂繼續佔據主導地位。其他香調包括酵母麵包、泥土、黑巧克力和苦味濃縮咖啡豆。後腦勺繼續有黑胡椒和蜂蜜的甜味。風味保持在固體中等,但酒體和強度略有增加。結構方面,抽吸或煙霧產生沒有問題,但需要注意一支雪茄以避免燃燒問題。 在最後三分之一中,肉桂和雪松仍然是主要口味,其次是泥土、樹皮、烤麵包、可可粒和乾草。後腦勺黑胡椒多了一點,但蜂蜜甜度略有下降。味道在介質的北邊結束,而強度和身體都在固體介質處結束。燒傷是有問題的,需要對兩種不同的雪茄進行修正,但煙霧產生量仍然很大,而且抽得很好。 總體而言,Cavalier Genève Limited Edition 2022 擁有迷人的外觀和復雜的風味。然而,乾燥的包裝紙、鬆軟的雪茄和燒焦問題會影響體驗。
- HK$1,796.00
HK$2,202.00- HK$1,796.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Tres Delincuentes Maduro Toro Summary The Cavalier Geneve Tres Delincuentes Maduro Toro is a premium cigar that embodies the perfect blend of craftsmanship and rich flavors. This exquisite cigar is a testament to Cavalier Geneve's dedication to quality and innovation, offering a...
- HK$3,200.00
HK$3,923.00- HK$3,200.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Tres Delincuentes Maduro Robusto Summary The Cavalier Geneve Tres Delincuentes Maduro Robusto is a premium cigar that embodies the essence of luxury and craftsmanship. This exquisite cigar is part of the renowned Cavalier Geneve line, known for its exceptional quality and unique...
- HK$2,628.00
HK$3,222.00- HK$2,628.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Tres Delincuentes Maduro Gordo Summary The Cavalier Geneve Tres Delincuentes Maduro Gordo is a premium cigar that embodies the perfect blend of craftsmanship and rich flavors. This exquisite cigar is part of the renowned Cavalier Geneve line, known for its dedication to...
- HK$3,997.00
HK$4,900.00- HK$3,997.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Tres Delincuentes Habano Toro Summary The Cavalier Geneve Tres Delincuentes Habano Toro is a premium cigar that embodies the perfect blend of tradition and innovation. Crafted by the renowned Cavalier Geneve brand, this cigar offers a rich and complex smoking experience that...
- HK$3,330.00
HK$4,083.00- HK$3,330.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Tres Delincuentes Habano Robusto Summary The Cavalier Geneve Tres Delincuentes Habano Robusto is a premium cigar that embodies the essence of luxury and craftsmanship. This exquisite cigar is part of the renowned Cavalier Geneve brand, known for its dedication to quality and...
- HK$2,470.00
HK$3,028.00- HK$2,470.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Tres Delincuentes Habano Gordo Summary The Cavalier Geneve Tres Delincuentes Habano Gordo is a premium cigar that exemplifies the artistry and craftsmanship of Cavalier Geneve. Known for its rich and complex flavor profile, this cigar is a must-try for aficionados seeking a...
- HK$3,968.00
HK$4,864.00- HK$3,968.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Tres Delincuentes Connecticut Toro Summary The Cavalier Geneve Tres Delincuentes Connecticut Toro is a premium cigar that exemplifies the artistry and craftsmanship of Cavalier Geneve. This exquisite cigar is part of the Tres Delincuentes line, known for its exceptional quality and unique...
- HK$3,334.00
HK$4,086.00- HK$3,334.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Tres Delincuentes Connecticut Robusto Summary The Cavalier Geneve Tres Delincuentes Connecticut Robusto is a premium cigar that embodies sophistication and craftsmanship. This exquisite cigar is part of the renowned Cavalier Geneve line, known for its exceptional quality and unique flavor profiles. The...
- HK$2,312.00
HK$2,834.00- HK$2,312.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Tres Delincuentes Connecticut Gordo Summary The Cavalier Geneve Tres Delincuentes Connecticut Gordo is a premium cigar that exemplifies the artistry and craftsmanship of Cavalier Geneve. Known for its smooth and creamy profile, this cigar is a perfect choice for both novice and...
- HK$3,946.00
HK$4,837.00- HK$3,946.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve This Blend is Undisclosed Corona Summary The Cavalier Geneve This Blend is Undisclosed Corona is a premium cigar that offers a unique and mysterious smoking experience. Crafted by the renowned Cavalier Geneve brand, this cigar is part of their exclusive line that...
- HK$1,188.00
HK$1,457.00- HK$1,188.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Prospektor Summary The Cavalier Geneve Prospektor is a premium cigar that embodies the essence of luxury and craftsmanship. Known for its distinctive gold diamond on the wrapper, this cigar is a testament to the brand's commitment to quality and innovation. The Prospektor...
- HK$3,000.00
HK$3,678.00- HK$3,000.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Inner Circle Toro Summary The Cavalier Geneve Inner Circle Toro is a premium cigar that exemplifies the artistry and dedication of Cavalier Geneve. This exquisite cigar is crafted for the discerning aficionado who appreciates a well-balanced and flavorful smoking experience. With its...
- HK$3,377.00
HK$4,140.00- HK$3,377.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Inner Circle Robusto Grande Summary The Cavalier Geneve Inner Circle Robusto Grande is a premium cigar that exemplifies the artistry and dedication of Cavalier Geneve. This exquisite cigar is crafted for aficionados who appreciate a rich, complex smoking experience. With its meticulously...
- HK$3,132.00
HK$3,839.00- HK$3,132.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Inner Circle Petit Robusto Summary The Cavalier Geneve Inner Circle Petit Robusto is a premium cigar that exemplifies the artistry and dedication of the Cavalier Geneve brand. This exquisite cigar is part of the Inner Circle line, known for its rich flavors...
- HK$2,695.00
HK$3,304.00- HK$2,695.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Inner Circle Figurado Summary The Cavalier Geneve Inner Circle Figurado is a premium cigar that exemplifies the artistry and craftsmanship of the Cavalier Geneve brand. Known for its unique shape and exceptional blend, this cigar offers a luxurious smoking experience that caters...
- HK$3,110.00
HK$3,813.00- HK$3,110.00
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廠商: Cavalier GeneveCavalier Geneve Inner Circle Domaine Rouge Toro Summary The Cavalier Geneve Inner Circle Domaine Rouge Toro is a premium cigar that exemplifies the artistry and dedication of Cavalier Geneve. This exquisite cigar is part of the Inner Circle line, known for its exceptional quality...
- HK$3,678.00
HK$4,508.00- HK$3,678.00
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