廠商: E.P. CarrilloE.P. Carrillo INCH No.64 Natural Summary The E.P. Carrillo INCH No.64 Natural is a premium cigar that exemplifies the craftsmanship and dedication of the renowned E.P. Carrillo brand. Known for its large ring gauge and robust flavor profile, this cigar is a favorite among...
- HK$6,069.00
HK$7,440.00- HK$6,069.00
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廠商: E.P. CarrilloE.P. Carrillo Dusk Stout Toros Summary The E.P. Carrillo Dusk Stout Toros is a premium cigar that embodies the rich heritage and craftsmanship of the E.P. Carrillo brand. This full-bodied cigar offers a complex and satisfying smoking experience, making it a favorite among seasoned...
- HK$2,972.00
HK$3,644.00- HK$2,972.00
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廠商: E.P. CarrilloE.P. Carrillo INCH Nicaragua No.64 Summary The E.P. Carrillo INCH Nicaragua No.64 is a premium cigar that exemplifies the rich heritage and craftsmanship of the E.P. Carrillo brand. Known for its robust flavor and impeccable construction, this cigar is a must-try for aficionados seeking...
- HK$6,286.00
HK$7,706.00- HK$6,286.00
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廠商: E.P. CarrilloE.P. Carrillo INCH Nicaragua No.62 Summary The E.P. Carrillo INCH Nicaragua No.62 is a premium cigar that exemplifies the rich heritage and craftsmanship of the E.P. Carrillo brand. Known for its robust flavor and impeccable construction, this cigar is a must-try for aficionados seeking...
- HK$4,803.00
HK$5,888.00- HK$4,803.00
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廠商: E.P. CarrilloE.P. Carrillo New Wave Connecticut El Decano Summary The E.P. Carrillo New Wave Connecticut El Decano is a premium cigar that offers a sophisticated smoking experience for aficionados who appreciate a milder yet flavorful profile. Crafted by the renowned Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, this cigar is...
- HK$4,040.00
HK$4,953.00- HK$4,040.00
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廠商: E.P. CarrilloE.P. Carrillo INCH Natural No. 60 Summary The E.P. Carrillo INCH Natural No. 60 is a premium cigar that exemplifies the artistry and dedication of Ernesto Perez-Carrillo. Known for its robust flavor and impeccable construction, this cigar is a favorite among aficionados who appreciate...
- HK$4,566.00
HK$5,597.00- HK$4,566.00
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廠商: E.P. CarrilloE.P. Carrillo INCH No.62 Natural Summary The E.P. Carrillo INCH No.62 Natural is a premium cigar that exemplifies the artistry and dedication of Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, a renowned name in the cigar industry. This cigar is part of the celebrated INCH series, known for its...
- HK$4,580.00
HK$5,614.00- HK$4,580.00
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廠商: E.P. CarrilloE.P. Carrillo INCH No.60 Maduro Summary The E.P. Carrillo INCH No.60 Maduro is a premium cigar that exemplifies the artistry and dedication of Ernesto Perez-Carrillo. Known for its robust flavor and impeccable construction, this cigar is a favorite among aficionados who appreciate a full-bodied...
- HK$5,257.00
HK$6,444.00- HK$5,257.00
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廠商: E.P. CarrilloE.P. Carrillo INCH No.64 Maduro Summary The E.P. Carrillo INCH No.64 Maduro is a premium cigar that stands out for its robust flavor and impeccable construction. Crafted by the renowned Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, this cigar is part of the celebrated INCH series, known for its...
- HK$6,139.00
HK$7,525.00- HK$6,139.00
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廠商: Factory SmokeFactory Smoke Sun Grown Gordito 是一款中等濃郁的雪茄,體現了 Drew Estate 致力於以合理的價格生產高品質雪茄的承諾。這款雪茄在尼加拉瓜著名的 La Gran Fabrica Drew Estate 工廠手工製作,反映了該品牌對卓越的不懈追求。 Gordito 尺寸為 6" x 60,專為那些尋求充實和風味濃郁的吸煙體驗而設計。雪茄擁有一個日曬的尼加拉瓜哈瓦那外皮,內部包含印尼的捆綁和填充物。這種煙草的組合結果在風味上是和諧的,既芳香又令人滿意。 點燃 Factory Smoke Sun Grown Gordito 時,吸煙者將品嚐到一系列豐富的風味,包括土壤、雪松和胡椒。其結構確保了持續的燃燒,使愛好者從第一口到最後都能享受其風味。 無論您是在忙碌的一天後放鬆還是與其他愛好者分享時光,Factory Smoke Sun Grown Gordito 都提供了一次愉快的吸煙旅程,不僅風味濃郁,而且價格合理。這款雪茄代表了 Drew Estate 在雪茄界的聲譽,完美融合了品質和價格。
- HK$4,270.00
HK$5,234.00- HK$4,270.00
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廠商: E.P. CarrilloE.P. Carrillo Pledge Apogee 是 E.P. 生產的優質雪茄。 Carrillo 公司,以其高品質雪茄而聞名。 Pledge 系列雪茄旨在提供濃郁的吸煙體驗,並具有復雜而豐富的口味。 這款雪茄採用深色油性康涅狄格哈瓦那馬杜羅茄衣,以其豐富的風味和質地而聞名。粘合劑是厄瓜多爾煙草,填充物是尼加拉瓜和多米尼加煙草的配方。這款雪茄採用傳統古巴風格手工卷製,提供單一尺寸 Apogee,其長度為 5.375 英寸,環規為 54。E.P. Carrillo Pledge Apogee 是一款濃郁的雪茄,具有復雜而豐富的風味。煙熏大膽而辛辣,帶有皮革、咖啡和黑巧克力的味道。雪茄構造精良,燃燒均勻,提供愉悅的吸食體驗。對於那些喜歡口味濃郁的濃郁雪茄的人來說,這是一個受歡迎的選擇。 總的來說,E.P. Carrillo Pledge Apogee 是一款優質雪茄,提供大膽而復雜的吸煙體驗,專注於濃郁的口味。這是對 E.P. 的證明。 Carrillo公司在雪茄行業對品質和創新的承諾,以其濃郁大膽的口味而深受雪茄愛好者的推崇。
- HK$4,239.00
HK$5,196.00- HK$4,239.00
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廠商: E.P. CarrilloE.P. Carrillo La Historia Don Elena 是一款由 E.P. Carrillo 公司,以生產高品質雪茄而聞名。這款雪茄以公司創始人 Ernesto Perez-Carrillo 的女兒的名字命名。 La Historia Don Elena 以深色、油膩的墨西哥聖安德烈斯茄衣為特色,賦予它濃郁、濃郁的風味。粘合劑是尼加拉瓜的,填充物是尼加拉瓜和多米尼加煙草的配方。這款雪茄採用傳統古巴風格卷製,有多種尺寸可供選擇,包括 Churchill、Robusto 和 Toro。 這款雪茄受到雪茄愛好者的高度評價,獲得了無數讚譽和獎項,包括在雪茄愛好者的“年度 25 支最佳雪茄”名單中佔有一席之地。它被認為是一種複雜而可口的煙霧,帶有濃咖啡、可可、皮革和香料的味道。這款雪茄還以其出色的構造、抽吸和燃燒而聞名。總的來說,La Historia Don Elena 是一款優質雪茄,深受雪茄愛好者的推崇,是 E.P. Carrillo 公司對質量和傳統的承諾。
- HK$3,140.00
HK$3,849.00- HK$3,140.00
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廠商: E.P. CarrilloE.P. Carrillo Inch Nicaragua No.60 是一款優質的雪茄,以其引人注目的尺寸和獨特的風味而聞名。 這款No.60型號的雪茄呈現出令人驚嘆的大號尺寸,直徑約60號。它使用來自尼加拉瓜的優質煙葉,經過精心挑選和發酵處理,確保風味的豐富和均衡。 E.P. Carrillo Inch Nicaragua No.60 的製作工藝極其精湛。每支雪茄都由熟練的雪茄工匠手工製作,確保每個細節都達到完美。它的捲製緊密而均勻,使煙葉能夠均勻燃燒,並確保持久的燃燒時間。 這款雪茄帶來豐富而深度的風味體驗。您會品味到濃郁的黑胡椒、咖啡和巧克力的滋味,伴隨著木質和辛香的香氣。它的口感豐滿而濃郁,給予您一種濃烈而令人滿足的煙草享受。 E.P. Carrillo Inch Nicaragua No.60 是一款適合經驗豐富的雪茄愛好者的選擇。它結合了大號尺寸和複雜的風味,為您帶來獨特而令人難以忘懷的吸食體驗。不論是作為特殊場合的享受還是與雪茄愛好者的分享,它都能為您帶來精彩的雪茄時刻。
- HK$5,394.00
HK$6,612.00- HK$5,394.00
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廠商: E.P. CarrilloE.P. Carrillo Encore Celestial 是一款由 E.P. Carrillo雪茄公司,由傳奇雪茄製造商Ernesto Perez-Carrillo創立。 Encore Celestial 是一款中等至濃郁的雪茄,使用尼加拉瓜填充物和濃郁的厄瓜多爾哈瓦那雪茄茄衣。 這款雪茄由多米尼加共和國熟練的工匠手工製作,具有復雜的風味特徵,帶有雪松、泥土、黑胡椒和微妙的甜味。這款雪茄獲得了一致好評,包括來自雪茄愛好者的 96 評分,並被評為 2018 年度雪茄。Encore Celestial 是一款 toro 雪茄,長 6 1/8 英寸,環規50。它是一支製作精美的雪茄,帶有光滑油膩的茄衣,摸起來有點露齒。結構無可挑剔,手感堅固但柔韌,完美的抽吸產生令人滿意的煙霧量。 這款雪茄以黑胡椒和雪鬆的氣息開始,逐漸讓位給更複雜的皮革、泥土和微妙的甜味。雪茄的強度隨著它的發展而增加,形成一種豐富而令人滿意的濃郁酒體。 總的來說,E.P. Carrillo Encore Celestial 是一款非凡的雪茄,即使是最挑剔的雪茄愛好者也一定會滿意。其複雜的風味特徵、出色的結構和濃郁濃郁的煙霧使其成為任何雪茄愛好者的必備品。
- HK$3,197.00
HK$3,919.00- HK$3,197.00
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廠商: Drew EstateDrew Estate Liga Undercrown Shade Churchill Summary The Drew Estate Liga Undercrown Shade Churchill is a premium cigar that offers a luxurious smoking experience. Crafted by the renowned Drew Estate, this cigar is part of the Liga Undercrown line, known for its exceptional quality...
- HK$1,883.00
HK$2,105.00- HK$1,883.00
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廠商: Drew EstateDrew Estate Liga Undercrown 10 Factory Floor Edition Lonsdale Summary The Drew Estate Liga Undercrown 10 Factory Floor Edition Lonsdale is a premium cigar that celebrates a decade of excellence in the Undercrown line. This special edition cigar is crafted with meticulous attention to...
- HK$3,051.00
HK$3,741.00- HK$3,051.00
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廠商: Drew EstateDrew Estate Liga Privada Unico UF-13 Dark Summary The Drew Estate Liga Privada Unico UF-13 Dark is a premium cigar that stands out for its exceptional craftsmanship and rich, complex flavor profile. This cigar is part of the renowned Liga Privada line, known for...
- HK$2,259.00
HK$2,770.00- HK$2,259.00
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廠商: Drew EstateTabak Especial Negra Tubo The Tabak Especial Negra Tubo is a premium cigar that offers a unique and indulgent smoking experience. Each cigar is carefully crafted with precision and attention to detail, showcasing the expertise and passion of Tabak Especial.The Negra Tubo size is...
- HK$3,095.00
HK$3,794.00- HK$3,095.00
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廠商: Drew EstateTabak Especial Dulce Tubo The Tabak Especial Dulce Tubo is a delightful and indulgent cigar that is sure to please any aficionado with a sweet tooth. Each cigar is carefully handcrafted to perfection, showcasing the expertise and passion of Tabak Especial.The Dulce Tubo size...
- HK$3,095.00
HK$3,794.00- HK$3,095.00
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廠商: Drew EstateDrew Estate Liga Undercrown 10 Corona Doble Summary The Drew Estate Liga Undercrown 10 Corona Doble is a premium cigar that celebrates a decade of excellence in the Undercrown line. This luxurious cigar is crafted to deliver a rich and complex smoking experience, making...
- HK$3,541.00
HK$4,341.00- HK$3,541.00
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