Sweet like chocolate with strong espresso taste along the way, finishing with a hint of pepper spice toward the end, perfect dessert after lunch!
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This box of cigars, manufactured in 2010, marks the thrilling original release year for the BHK line of cigars! A true collector's delight and a masterpiece for any cigar aficionado.
The Cohiba Behike BHK 56 is the epitome of luxury in the world of cigars. Crafted by the renowned Cohiba brand, this cigar is a testament to the art of cigar making. With its impeccable construction, rich flavor profile, and prestigious reputation, the BHK 56 is a must-have for any serious aficionado. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply indulging in a moment of relaxation, the Cohiba Behike BHK 56 promises an unparalleled smoking experience.
The Cohiba Behike BHK 56 offers a complex and sophisticated flavor profile that evolves throughout the smoking experience. Initial notes of cedar and earth give way to a rich blend of cocoa, coffee, and a hint of spice. The smoke is creamy and smooth, with a subtle sweetness that lingers on the palate. As you progress through the cigar, you'll notice a harmonious balance of flavors that is both satisfying and intriguing.
Handcrafted with precision, the Cohiba Behike BHK 56 boasts flawless construction. The cigar features a perfectly rolled Cuban wrapper that is smooth and oily to the touch. The draw is effortless, allowing for an even burn and consistent smoke output. Each BHK 56 undergoes rigorous quality control to ensure that every cigar meets the highest standards of excellence. The attention to detail in the construction of this cigar is evident from the first puff to the last.
To fully appreciate the depth and complexity of the Cohiba Behike BHK 56, consider pairing it with a fine aged rum or a single malt Scotch whisky. The rich, caramel notes of an aged rum complement the cigar's cocoa and coffee flavors, while the smoky, peaty characteristics of a single malt Scotch enhance its earthy undertones. For a non-alcoholic option, a dark roast coffee or espresso can also provide a delightful pairing, accentuating the cigar's creamy and smooth profile.
Cohiba, the most esteemed name in the realm of premium cigars, is celebrated for its unparalleled quality and exclusivity. Established in 1966, initially as a prestigious gift for diplomats and government officials, Cohiba cigars have been crafted in the famed El Laguito factory in Havana. This brand is deeply rooted in history, its name derived from the Taíno Indian term for the bundles of rolled tobacco leaves they smoked, which were first encountered by Christopher Columbus.
Cohiba's reputation is built on its rigorous selection process, utilizing only the finest tobacco leaves from the Vuelta Abajo zone in the Pinar del Río region of Cuba. Unique among cigar brands, Cohiba includes an additional fermentation process for two of the three types of leaves used, enhancing their distinctive aroma and flavor. The brand offers several lines, including the Línea Clásica, Línea 1492, and more recently, the Cohiba Behike, which is notable for incorporating the rare 'Medio Tiempo' leaf, adding depth and complexity to the blend.
Over the years, Cohiba has expanded its range with various lines and special editions, such as the Cohiba Siglo VI Gran Reserva and the Cohiba Pirámides Extra. Each line is distinguished by its unique blend and strength, ranging from medium to full-bodied flavors, catering to both traditional palates and those seeking a more robust experience.
As Cohiba continues to evolve, it remains a symbol of luxury and craftsmanship in the cigar industry, appealing to connoisseurs around the world who seek the ultimate in smoking pleasure. This brand not only represents high-quality Cuban cigars but also a heritage of meticulous craftsmanship and innovation in tobacco preparation and blending.
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Sweet like chocolate with strong espresso taste along the way, finishing with a hint of pepper spice toward the end, perfect dessert after lunch!
Arturo Fuente Cigars | Exquisitos Maduro | Box 50
the cigars taste very well..... this reflects how well the cigars were kept and maintained by COH
Tatuaje Cigar | Tatuaje 10th Anniversary Belle Encre Perfecto Figura | Box 20
Sweet like chocolate with strong espresso taste along the way, finishing with a hint of pepper spice toward the end, perfect dessert after lunch!