廠商: OlivaOliva Serie O Sun Grown Robusto Tubos The Oliva Serie O Sun Grown Robusto Tubos is a highly regarded cigar that offers a rich and flavorful smoking experience. Each cigar is meticulously crafted with precision, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the Oliva brand.The...
- HK$1,364.00
HK$1,524.00- HK$1,364.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie O Sun Grown Toro Tubos The Oliva Serie O Sun Grown Toro Tubos is a highly regarded cigar that offers a rich and flavorful smoking experience. Each cigar is meticulously crafted with precision, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the Oliva brand.The...
- HK$1,549.00
HK$1,731.00- HK$1,549.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie O Sungrown Puro Toro Tubos The Oliva Serie O Sungrown Puro Toro Tubos is a highly sought-after cigar that offers a rich and robust smoking experience. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted with precision, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the Oliva brand.The...
- HK$1,530.00
HK$1,710.00- HK$1,530.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie O Toro The Oliva Serie O Toro is a classic cigar that embodies the rich heritage and craftsmanship of the Oliva brand. Each cigar in this box of 20 is meticulously handcrafted to perfection, ensuring a premium smoking experience.The Toro size is...
- HK$3,496.00
HK$3,496.00- HK$3,496.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie O Tubos The Oliva Serie O Tubos is a highly regarded cigar that offers a rich and satisfying smoking experience. Each cigar is meticulously crafted with precision, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the Oliva brand.The Serie O Tubos size is thoughtfully...
- HK$1,304.00
HK$1,674.00- HK$1,304.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V 135th Anniversary Edicion Limitada 是 Oliva Cigar Company 為慶祝其 135 週年而生產的優質手工雪茄。這是一款濃郁的雪茄,填充物、粘合劑和茄衣混合了尼加拉瓜煙草。 茄衣葉是一種深色、油膩的哈瓦那陽光植物,以其豐富的風味和辛辣的味道而聞名。尼加拉瓜填充煙草增加了雪茄風味的複雜性和深度,帶有咖啡、可可和胡椒的味道。 Oliva Serie V 135th Anniversary Edicion Limitada 是盒壓式魚雷尺寸,長 6 1/2 英寸,環規(直徑)為 54。這種尺寸在享受較長吸煙體驗的雪茄愛好者中很受歡迎具有濃郁的風味。 Oliva Serie V 135 週年 Edicion Limitada 的結構非常出色,包裝光滑、油膩,沒有瑕疵或紋理。繪製順暢、輕鬆,燃燒均勻一致,產生長長的白色灰燼。 總的來說,Oliva Serie V 135 週年 Edicion Limitada 是一款備受推崇的雪茄,它提供了豐富而復雜的吸煙體驗和豐富的風味。對於那些喜歡帶有尼加拉瓜茄衣的濃郁雪茄的人以及欣賞 Oliva...
- HK$2,301.00
HK$2,301.00- HK$2,301.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V Churchill Extra The Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra is a remarkable cigar that promises an unforgettable smoking experience. Meticulously handcrafted, each cigar showcases the dedication and expertise of the Oliva family.The Churchill Extra size is a classic choice for aficionados who...
- HK$4,630.00
HK$5,510.00- HK$4,630.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V Double Robusto The Oliva Serie V Double Robusto is a highly acclaimed cigar that offers a rich and robust smoking experience. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted with precision, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the Oliva brand.The Double Robusto size is...
- HK$2,138.00
HK$2,624.00- HK$2,138.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V Double Toro The Oliva Serie V Double Toro is a highly acclaimed cigar that offers a bold and robust smoking experience. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted with precision, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the Oliva brand.The Double Toro size is...
- HK$3,047.00
HK$3,742.00- HK$3,047.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V Double Toro The Oliva Serie V Double Toro is a highly acclaimed cigar that offers a bold and robust smoking experience. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted with precision, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the Oliva brand.The Double Toro size is...
- HK$6,319.00
HK$6,319.00- HK$6,319.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V Lancero The Oliva Serie V Lancero is a highly sought-after cigar that showcases the exceptional craftsmanship and dedication to quality that Oliva is known for. This box of 24 Lanceros is a must-have for aficionados who appreciate a refined and flavorful...
- HK$2,643.00
HK$2,928.00- HK$2,643.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V Maduro Double Toro 是一款優質的雪茄,為您帶來濃郁而豐富的吸煙體驗。每一支雪茄都經過精確的手工製作,展現了 Oliva 的卓越工藝和專業知識。 Double Toro 的尺寸為喜歡豪華口感的愛好者設計,其尺寸提供了舒適的握感和完美的味道平衡。 Oliva Serie V Maduro Double Toro 使用來自尼加拉瓜的頂級煙草混合精心製作。這種精選的混合物經過長時間的陳化,增強了風味,產生了豐富的味道輪廓,其中包括巧克力、咖啡、黑胡椒和木質的味道。墨西哥 San Andrés 包裝增添了深度和豐富的香氣。 點燃 Oliva Serie V Maduro Double Toro,吸煙者將感受到濃郁的煙霧和逐漸展開的風味。它的結構非常出色,保證均勻的燃燒和從頭到尾的一致吸煙體驗。 每盒 Oliva Serie V Maduro Double Toro 包含10支雪茄,讓您能夠享受這款優質混合物的品味,或與其他雪茄愛好者分享。憑藉其精湛的工藝和豐富的風味,Oliva Serie V Maduro Double Toro 是一款保證提供卓越和愉悅吸煙旅程的選擇。
- HK$1,853.00
HK$2,379.00- HK$1,853.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V Maduro Especial Double Robusto 是一款由 Oliva 雪茄公司生產的優質手工雪茄。這是一款濃郁的雪茄,填充物和粘合劑混合了尼加拉瓜煙草,以及深色、油膩的墨西哥聖安德烈斯馬杜羅茄衣葉。 墨西哥聖安德烈斯馬杜羅茄衣以其深色、豐富的外觀和大膽、甜美的風味而聞名。它很好地補充了尼加拉瓜煙草,為雪茄的整體風味增添了複雜性和細微差別。 Oliva Serie V Maduro Especial Double Robusto 是一款較大尺寸的雪茄,長度為 5 英寸,環規(直徑)為 54。這種尺寸深受雪茄愛好者的歡迎,他們享受更長的吸煙體驗和濃郁的口感風味概況。 Oliva Serie V Maduro Especial Double Robusto 的結構非常出色,外皮光滑、油膩,沒有瑕疵或紋理。繪製順暢、輕鬆,燃燒均勻一致,產生長長的白色灰燼。 總的來說,Oliva Serie V Maduro Especial Double Robusto 是一款備受推崇的雪茄,它提供了豐富而復雜的吸煙體驗以及均衡的風味。對於那些喜歡墨西哥聖安德烈斯馬杜羅茄衣的濃郁雪茄的人,以及那些欣賞 Oliva 雪茄公司聞名的卓越結構和對細節的關注的人來說,這是一個很好的選擇。
- HK$1,450.00
HK$1,862.00- HK$1,450.00
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廠商: OlivaThe Oliva Serie V Maduro Especial Double Robusto是一款倍受推崇的雪茄,以其深沉豐富的口味、卓越的工藝和Oliva Cigar Company的聲譽而聞名。它是Oliva Serie V系列的一部分,該系列以其大膽而豐滿的吸煙體驗而受到認可。 雪茄的Double Robusto尺寸長度約為5英寸,戒指號為54,提供了充足的吸煙量,使口味有足夠的空間發展。這種尺寸深受喜愛的雪茄愛好者們喜歡平衡且令人滿意的吸煙體驗。 Serie V Maduro Especial Double Robusto採用深色而油膩的墨西哥聖安德烈斯熟成外葉,為雪茄的口味帶來豐富和深度。捆葉和填充葉是尼加拉瓜葉的混合物,經過精心選擇和陳年,以創造出一種複雜而均衡的吸煙體驗。 品味Oliva Serie V Maduro Especial Double Robusto時,您可以期待一種豐滿的吸煙體驗,味道範圍廣泛。常常會有黑巧克力、濃縮咖啡、黑胡椒、皮革、泥土和一絲甜味的風味,為雪茄愛好者提供深度和複雜性。抽風通常順暢,燃燒通常均勻,確保了令人愉悅和一致的吸煙體驗。 Oliva Serie V系列以其精湛的工藝和對細節的關注而聞名,為您提供高質量的吸煙體驗。優質煙葉和專業混合技巧的結合使Oliva成為雪茄行業中受人尊重的品牌。 總的來說,Oliva Serie V Maduro Especial Double Robusto在雪茄愛好者中享有很高的聲譽,他們喜愛大膽而豐富的吸煙體驗。推薦給那些追求精心製作的雪茄,具有深沉而豐富的口味,能夠提供令人難忘且滿意的吸煙體驗。
- HK$1,862.00
- HK$1,862.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V Maduro Especial Double Toro The Oliva Serie V Maduro Especial Double Toro is a highly sought-after cigar that offers a rich and indulgent smoking experience. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted with precision, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the Oliva brand.The...
- HK$2,092.00
HK$2,686.00- HK$2,092.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V Melanio Double Toro 是一款優質的雪茄,為您帶來獨特而豐富的吸煙體驗。每一支雪茄都經過精確的手工製作,展現了 Oliva 雪茄的卓越工藝和專業知識。 Melanio Double Toro 的尺寸為喜歡豪華感的愛好者設計,其尺寸提供了舒適的握感和完美的味道平衡。 Oliva Serie V Melanio Double Toro 使用來自尼加拉瓜的頂級煙草混合精心製作。這種精選的混合物經過長時間的陳化,增強了風味,產生了豐富而複雜的味道輪廓,其中包括濃郁的巧克力、咖啡、辛香料和木質的味道。厚實的厚葉厚葉厚葉增添了豐富的口感和深度。 點燃 Oliva Serie V Melanio Double Toro,吸煙者將感受到濃郁的煙霧和豐富的風味。它具有出色的結構,保證均勻的燃燒和持久的吸煙體驗。 每盒 Oliva Serie V Melanio Double Toro 包含10支雪茄,使您能夠享受這款優質混合物的多次吸煙體驗。憑藉其精湛的工藝和豐富的風味,Oliva Serie V Melanio Double Toro 是一款保證提供卓越和愉悅吸煙旅程的選擇。
- HK$2,173.00
HK$2,788.00- HK$2,173.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V Melanio EL Ano 2022 是Oliva品牌的限量版雪茄,以其精選的煙葉和卓越的品質而聞名。 這款雪茄是為了慶祝特定年份而推出的特別版本。它使用了選自尼加拉瓜的頂級煙葉,經過長時間的發酵和成熟處理,以確保其豐富和複雜的風味。 Oliva Serie V Melanio EL Ano 2022 的製作工藝非常講究。每支雪茄都由經驗豐富的雪茄工匠手工製作,確保每個細節都達到完美。它的捲製緊密而均勻,使煙葉能夠均勻燃燒,帶來持久的燃燒時間。 這款雪茄展現出豐富而精緻的風味。您會品味到濃郁的可可、咖啡和辛香料的滋味,伴隨著一絲絲乾果和木質的香氣。它的口感濃郁而順滑,為您帶來一種豪華而令人愉悅的吸食體驗。 Oliva Serie V Melanio EL Ano 2022 是一款非常特殊且有限的雪茄。它為熱愛尋找獨特風味和珍貴收藏品的雪茄愛好者帶來了一個難得的機會。不論是自己享受還是送給特別的人,它都能為您帶來難忘的雪茄體驗。
- HK$1,885.00
HK$1,885.00- HK$1,885.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V Melanio Edicion ANO 2023 Figurino The Oliva Serie V Melanio Edicion ANO 2023 Figurino is a highly anticipated limited edition cigar that promises an extraordinary smoking experience. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this cigar showcases the expertise and dedication of...
- HK$2,166.00
HK$2,165.00- HK$2,166.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V Melanio Edicion Limitada 2018 The Oliva Serie V Melanio Edicion Limitada 2018 is a highly sought-after cigar that showcases the exceptional craftsmanship and dedication to quality that Oliva is known for. This limited edition release is a true gem for cigar...
- HK$2,136.00
- HK$2,136.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V Melanio Edicion Limitada 2021 The Oliva Serie V Melanio Edicion Limitada 2021 is a highly sought-after cigar that showcases the exceptional craftsmanship and dedication to quality that Oliva is known for. This limited edition release is a true gem for cigar...
- HK$2,025.00
HK$2,131.00- HK$2,025.00
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