廠商: OlivaOliva Nub Connecticut 460 Tubos The Oliva Nub Connecticut 460 Tubos is a delightful cigar that offers a unique and enjoyable smoking experience. Each cigar is carefully crafted with precision, showcasing the expertise and dedication of Oliva.The 460 size is specifically designed to maximize...
- HK$1,801.00
HK$2,207.00- HK$1,801.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Nub Connecticut 354 The Oliva Nub Connecticut 354 is a highly sought-after cigar that offers a unique and enjoyable smoking experience. Each cigar is meticulously crafted with precision and care, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the Oliva brand.The 354 size is specifically...
- HK$2,475.00
HK$3,034.00- HK$2,475.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie O Sungrown Puro Toro Tubos The Oliva Serie O Sungrown Puro Toro Tubos is a highly sought-after cigar that offers a rich and robust smoking experience. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted with precision, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the Oliva brand.The...
- HK$1,395.00
HK$1,710.00- HK$1,395.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Nub 358 喀麥隆 24 盒裝,讓您盡情享受品味與傳統的精緻融合。這獨特的雪茄系列是對 Oliva 品牌對卓越工藝和豐富吸煙體驗的奉獻的慶祝。 該系列中的每支雪茄都經過精心設計,從一開始就提供「甜蜜點」的口味,體現了烤麵包、皮革、咖啡、香料和甜奶油的令人愉悅的混合。 Nub 358 喀麥隆雪茄採用短而粗的形式精心製作,長度為 3 英寸,環規為 58,反映出中型羅布斯托形狀。 這種設計旨在以緊湊而令人滿意的尺寸提供最大程度的中等酒體風味。 該系列包括 24 支雪茄,裝在一個展示盒中,確保每支雪茄在盡情享受之前都保持原始狀態。 這些雪茄是在位於尼加拉瓜埃斯特利的屢獲殊榮的奧利瓦工廠製作的,不僅僅是一種產品;它是一種雪茄。 它們證明了該品牌在雪茄行業中的卓越傳統。 Nub 358 Cameroon 的核心是鬱鬱蔥蔥的尼加拉瓜茄芯煙草的混合物,巧妙地放置在尼加拉瓜套茄葉內。 然後將雪茄包裹在奢華的喀麥隆茄衣葉中,充分展示豐富、細緻的風味,保證每支雪茄帶來令人難忘的吸煙體驗,持續約 40 分鐘。 Nub 雪茄背後的獨特理念是,透過精心包裝和捆紮的煙草,創造出一種短雪茄,其燃燒時間與長雪茄一樣長。 這種創新的設計方法確保吸煙者在點燃後立即達到口味的“最佳點”,每次都能提供充實而愉快的吸煙體驗。 Nub 358 Cameroon 具有雪松、肉桂、堅果和泥土的令人愉悅的味道,並帶有一絲香料的味道,對於經驗豐富的雪茄愛好者和新手來說都是優質雪茄愛好者的真正樂趣。 Cigar Aficionado 的 92 級評級進一步證明了這些雪茄的品質和口味,使 Oliva Nub 358 喀麥隆盒...
- HK$2,824.00
HK$3,461.00- HK$2,824.00
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廠商: Oliva沉浸在Oliva Serie O Maduro Double Toro雪茄的豐富引人入勝的體驗中。這款特殊的雪茄邀請您探索一款將工藝與精心選擇的煙草相融合的混合物,為您帶來一場難忘的抽菸之旅。 Oliva Serie O Maduro Double Toro展示了Oliva對生產卓越品質雪茄的承諾。每支雪茄都是精確和專業地製作而成,該系列中的每支雪茄代表了多代雪茄製造傳統的巔峰。 Serie O Maduro Double Toro的大小提供了較大的格式,讓您能夠在延長的抽菸過程中品味混合風味的複雜性和細微差異。深色且充滿油質的Maduro包裝紙為風味增添了額外的層次,提升了抽菸體驗。 點燃後,Oliva Serie O Maduro Double Toro揭示出引人入勝的風味概要。您可能會品味到黑巧克力、咖啡、土壤氣息和微妙的香料,創造出風味的交響曲,展示了混合物的深度。 無論您是尋求複雜性的經驗豐富的愛好者,還是尋求全身感受的熱情抽菸者,Oliva Serie O Maduro Double Toro都承諾帶給您一場風味和工藝的旅程,慶祝煙草的藝術。
- HK$2,163.00
HK$2,652.00- HK$2,163.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V Maduro Torpedo 是一款優質雪茄,屬於 Oliva 雪茄公司生產的 Oliva Serie V 系列雪茄。這款雪茄是一種魚雷形狀的煙氣,使用來自尼加拉瓜的優質煙草手工卷製而成。 Oliva Serie V Maduro Torpedo 的茄衣是一種深色、油膩且質地豐富的馬杜羅茄衣,在使用前會陳化數年。這種茄衣賦予雪茄複雜的風味特徵,包括黑巧克力、咖啡和皮革的味道,以及淡淡的甜味。 Oliva Serie V Maduro Torpedo 的填料由尼加拉瓜煙草的配方製成,這些煙草經過精心挑選並陳化至完美。結果是一款濃郁的雪茄,提供順暢和令人滿意的吸煙體驗。 總體而言,Oliva Serie V Maduro Torpedo 是一款一流的雪茄,非常適合喜歡豐富而復雜的風味的經驗豐富的雪茄吸煙者。無論是單獨享用還是搭配上等威士忌或乾邑白蘭地,即使是最挑剔的味蕾,這款雪茄也一定會令您滿意。
- HK$2,022.00
HK$2,479.00- HK$2,022.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V Melanio Toro Grande The Oliva Serie V Melanio Toro Grande is a highly acclaimed cigar that offers a truly exceptional smoking experience. Meticulously crafted with precision and expertise, this cigar showcases the dedication and passion of the Oliva brand.The Toro Grande...
- HK$2,297.00
HK$2,546.00- HK$2,297.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V Melanio Petit Corona The Oliva Serie V Melanio Petit Corona is a highly sought-after cigar that offers a refined and indulgent smoking experience. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted with precision, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the Oliva brand.The Petit Corona...
- HK$1,282.00
HK$1,434.00- HK$1,282.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V Melanio Longines Churchill The Oliva Serie V Melanio Longines Churchill is a highly sought-after cigar that exudes elegance and sophistication. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted with the utmost precision, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the Oliva brand.The Churchill size is...
- HK$2,135.00
HK$2,386.00- HK$2,135.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V Melanio Edicion Limitada 2017 The Oliva Serie V Melanio Edicion Limitada 2017 is a highly sought-after cigar that showcases the pinnacle of craftsmanship and flavor. This limited edition release is a testament to Oliva's commitment to excellence.Handcrafted with precision, the Serie...
- HK$3,354.00
- HK$3,354.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie O Sun Grown Corona The Oliva Serie O Sun Grown Corona is a remarkable cigar that offers a rich and satisfying smoking experience. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the Oliva family.The Corona size is thoughtfully chosen...
- HK$2,439.00
HK$2,726.00- HK$2,439.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie G Double Robusto The Oliva Serie G Double Robusto is a remarkable cigar that offers a rich and satisfying smoking experience. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the Oliva brand.The Double Robusto size is perfectly designed for...
- HK$3,476.00
HK$3,885.00- HK$3,476.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie G Churchill The Oliva Serie G Churchill is a classic and timeless cigar that is sure to please aficionados with its exceptional quality and rich flavors. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted with precision and care, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the...
- HK$3,961.00
HK$4,427.00- HK$3,961.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie G Aged Cameroon Double Robusto The Oliva Serie G Aged Cameroon Double Robusto is a remarkable cigar that offers a rich and satisfying smoking experience. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the Oliva brand.The Double Robusto size...
- HK$3,406.00
HK$3,807.00- HK$3,406.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Nub Sun Grown 358 The Oliva Nub Sun Grown 358 is a remarkable cigar that offers a unique and intense smoking experience. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted with precision, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the Oliva brand.The 358 size is specifically designed...
- HK$3,209.00
HK$3,587.00- HK$3,209.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Nub 464 Topredo Cameroon The Oliva Nub 464 Torpedo Cameroon is a standout cigar that offers a unique and enjoyable smoking experience. Crafted with precision and expertise, each cigar is meticulously hand-rolled to ensure the highest quality.The 464 Torpedo size is specifically designed...
- HK$3,364.00
HK$3,760.00- HK$3,364.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Nub 460 Sun Grown The Oliva Nub 460 Sun Grown is a remarkable cigar that offers a unique and intense smoking experience. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the Oliva brand.The 460 size of the Nub series is...
- HK$4,022.00
HK$4,495.00- HK$4,022.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Flor de Oliva Original Churchill The Oliva Flor de Oliva Original Churchill is a classic and timeless cigar that embodies the rich heritage and craftsmanship of the Oliva brand. This Churchill size is perfect for those who appreciate a longer smoking experience and...
- HK$3,884.00
HK$4,303.00- HK$3,884.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Flor De Oliva Original 6X50 The Oliva Flor De Oliva Original 6 x 50 is a classic and affordable cigar that offers a delightful smoking experience. Each cigar is meticulously crafted with care, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the Oliva brand.The 6...
- HK$3,428.00
HK$3,832.00- HK$3,428.00
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廠商: OlivaOliva Serie V Melanio Edicion Limitada 2018 The Oliva Serie V Melanio Edicion Limitada 2018 is a highly sought-after cigar that showcases the exceptional craftsmanship and dedication to quality that Oliva is known for. This limited edition release is a true gem for cigar...
- HK$2,248.00
- HK$2,248.00
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