廠商: My FatherMy Father No.4 The My Father No.4 23 Box is a highly sought-after cigar that showcases the exceptional craftsmanship and expertise of the renowned My Father Cigars brand. This box contains 23 cigars, allowing you to indulge in this exquisite blend over an extended...
- HK$3,428.00
HK$4,202.00- HK$3,428.00
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廠商: My FatherMy Father No.2 The My Father No.2 Box 23 is a highly sought-after cigar that showcases the exceptional craftsmanship and expertise of the renowned My Father Cigars brand. This exquisite cigar is meticulously handcrafted to perfection, ensuring a truly memorable smoking experience.The No.2 size...
- HK$4,665.00
HK$5,719.00- HK$4,665.00
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廠商: My FatherMy Father Flor De Las Antillas Toro Grande The My Father Flor De Las Antillas Toro Grande is a magnificent cigar that showcases the exceptional craftsmanship and expertise of the renowned My Father Cigars brand. This Toro Grande size is perfect for those who...
- HK$4,571.00
HK$5,109.00- HK$4,571.00
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廠商: My FatherMy Father La Promesa Robusto Grande The My Father La Promesa Robusto Grande is a highly sought-after cigar that showcases the exceptional craftsmanship and dedication of the Garcia family. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted with precision, ensuring a superior smoking experience.The Robusto Grande size,...
- HK$3,272.00
HK$4,010.00- HK$3,272.00
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廠商: My FatherMy Father Connecticut Corona Gorda The My Father Connecticut Corona Gorda is a premium cigar that showcases the exceptional craftsmanship and expertise of the renowned My Father Cigars brand. This particular size, the Corona Gorda, offers a satisfying smoking experience with its well-balanced dimensions.Handcrafted...
- HK$2,907.00
HK$3,564.00- HK$2,907.00
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廠商: My FatherMy Father La Gran Oferta Toro The My Father La Gran Oferta Toro is a highly sought-after cigar that showcases the exceptional craftsmanship and expertise of the renowned My Father Cigars brand. Each cigar in this box of 20 is meticulously handcrafted to perfection,...
- HK$3,343.00
HK$4,098.00- HK$3,343.00
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廠商: My FatherMy Father EL Centurion H.2K.CT Corona Box Pressed The My Father El Centurion H.2K.CT Corona Box-Pressed is a highly sought-after cigar that showcases the exceptional craftsmanship and expertise of the renowned My Father Cigars brand.Handcrafted with precision, this box-pressed Corona size cigar offers a...
- HK$2,886.00
HK$3,537.00- HK$2,886.00
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廠商: My FatherMy Father La Opulencia Super Toro The My Father La Opulencia Super Toro is a highly sought-after cigar that exudes opulence and sophistication. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this cigar showcases the exceptional craftsmanship and expertise of the renowned My Father Cigars brand.The...
- HK$4,384.00
HK$5,375.00- HK$4,384.00
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廠商: My FatherMy Father La Opulencia Toros The My Father La Opulencia Toros is a remarkable cigar that exudes opulence and sophistication. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted with the utmost precision, showcasing the expertise and passion of the renowned My Father Cigars brand.The Toros size is...
- HK$3,831.00
HK$4,696.00- HK$3,831.00
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廠商: My FatherMy Father Cedro Deluxe Eminentes The My Father Cedro Deluxe Eminentes is a highly sought-after cigar that exudes elegance and sophistication. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted with the utmost precision and care, showcasing the exceptional craftsmanship of the renowned My Father Cigars brand.The Eminentes...
- HK$3,427.00
HK$4,200.00- HK$3,427.00
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廠商: My FatherMy Father Le Bijou 1922 Torpedo Box Pressed是一款備受讚譽的雪茄,以其卓越的品質、豐滿的口味特色和專業工藝而聞名。它是My Father Cigars系列的一部分,向Garcia家族豐富的雪茄製作傳統致敬。 Le Bijou 1922 Torpedo Box Pressed採用深色而油亮的厄瓜多爾Habano Oscuro包葉,增添了視覺吸引力,並為整體口味特色帶來一絲愉悅的甜味。捆葉和填充物是由精心挑選和陳年的尼加拉瓜煙葉混合而成。 品味My Father Le Bijou 1922 Torpedo Box Pressed時,您可以期待一種豐滿而風味豐富的體驗。這款雪茄提供了一種複雜的口味組合,包括巧克力、濃縮咖啡、胡椒、皮革和土壤的香氣。這些口味常常豐富而濃烈,提供了一種令人滿意和難忘的吸煙體驗。 雪茄的盒壓形狀為其外觀增添了獨特的元素,並可以通過創造略有不同的吸吮和燃燒特性來增強吸煙體驗。 總體而言,My Father Le Bijou 1922 Torpedo Box Pressed以其優質的品質、豐滿的口味和無可挑剔的工藝受到雪茄愛好者的高度評價。它是一款吸引那些喜愛深厚且充滿複雜性的豐滿雪茄的人士的雪茄。
- HK$5,215.00
HK$5,829.00- HK$5,215.00
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廠商: My FatherThe My Father "The Judge" Toros是一款備受推崇的雪茄,以其卓越的品質、複雜的口味和著名的Garcia家族的聲譽而聞名。My Father Cigars由Don Pepin Garcia創立,被廣泛認為是雪茄行業中的頂級製造商之一。 The Judge Toros是"The Judge"系列的一部分,以其豐滿和強烈的吸煙體驗而聞名。Toro尺寸的長度約為6英寸,戒指號為56,提供了充足的煙霧,使口味有足夠的空間發展。 The Judge Toros採用尼加拉瓜煙葉的混合物,包括尼加拉瓜的捆葉和精心挑選的尼加拉瓜填充葉。外葉通常是尼加拉瓜的Corojo葉,為口味增添了深度和複雜性。 品味My Father "The Judge" Toros時,您可以期待一種豐滿且充滿口感的體驗。雪茄通常展示了胡椒、皮革、泥土、咖啡、可可和微妙的甜味等多種口味的複雜組合。吸引力通常很順暢,燃燒通常均勻,確保愉快且一致的吸煙體驗。 My Father雪茄的工藝被高度讚譽,嚴格的質量控制措施確保每支雪茄都符合他們的高標準。Garcia家族的專業知識和對細節的關注在各個方面的吸煙體驗中都得以展現,從製作到口味。 總的來說,My Father "The Judge" Toros在喜愛豐滿和複雜煙霧的雪茄愛好者中享有很高的聲譽。它適合那些追求精心製作和難忘的雪茄體驗以及多種大膽口味的人推薦。
- HK$5,310.00
HK$5,935.00- HK$5,310.00
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廠商: My FatherMy Father No.3是Garcia家族旗下以高品質雪茄著稱的My Father Cigars生產的優質雪茄。這款雪茄是為了向家族的族長 Don Pepin Garcia 致敬,Don Pepin Garcia 被廣泛認為是世界上最有才華的雪茄製造商之一。 這款雪茄採用尼加拉瓜哈瓦那玫瑰茄茄衣,這種茄衣以其豐富而美味的特性而聞名。粘合劑和填料也是尼加拉瓜的,填料配方包括來自加西亞家族在尼加拉瓜自己農場的煙草。該款雪茄採用傳統古巴風格手工卷製,有單一尺寸可供選擇,長度為5.5英寸,環規為52。 我的父親3號是一款中等至濃郁的雪茄,具有復雜的口感。和均衡的口味。煙熏味濃郁,帶有奶油味,帶有香料、泥土和皮革的味道,還有淡淡的甜味。這款雪茄構造精良,燃燒均勻,提供順暢而令人滿意的吸煙體驗。雪茄的尺寸非常適合悠閒地吸食,提供充足的吸煙時間,同時在尺寸方面保持可控性。 總的來說,My Father No.3 是一款優質雪茄,提供經典的吸煙體驗,注重品質和對細節的關注。它以其複雜而均衡的口味而受到雪茄愛好者的高度評價,是加西亞家族致力於在雪茄行業精益求精的明證。
- HK$4,733.00
HK$5,802.00- HK$4,733.00
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廠商: My FatherMy Father La Gran Oferta Lancero 是Garcia家族旗下以高品質雪茄著稱的My Father Cigars生產的一款優質雪茄。這款雪茄以西班牙語短語“la gran oferta”命名,意思是“極好的報價”,反映了公司致力於以合理的價格提供優質雪茄的承諾。 這款雪茄採用厄瓜多爾哈瓦那羅薩多茄衣,以其濃郁的紅棕色和辛辣的味道而聞名。粘合劑和填料都是尼加拉瓜產的,填料配方包括來自加西亞家族在尼加拉瓜自己農場的煙草。這款雪茄採用傳統古巴風格手工卷製,有單一尺寸 Lancero,長 7.5 英寸,環規為 38。濃郁的雪茄,具有復雜而均衡的風味。煙霧濃郁而柔滑,帶有皮革、雪松和堅果的香氣。雪茄構造精良,燃燒均勻,提供順暢的吸煙體驗。 Lancero尺寸提供獨特的吸食體驗,修長的外形讓吸食者充分領略雪茄的風味。 總的來說,My Father La Gran Oferta Lancero 是一款優質雪茄,提供複雜而平衡的吸煙體驗,並註重質量和價值。它見證了加西亞家族在雪茄行業致力於創新和卓越的承諾,並以其豐富而獨特的口味而備受雪茄愛好者的推崇。
- HK$3,079.00
HK$3,775.00- HK$3,079.00
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